Whenever you use your FutureCard** you earn points for your purchases. Earn by spending at any category, at any time.
Earn 10x points when you connect your existing energy provider to community solar, and when you charge your electric vehicle at any charging station nation-wide.
Earn 5x points when you take public transit, buy secondhand, pay your energy bill, take an electric rideshare and so much more!
Earn 1x point on everything else, always. You can earn more with FutureCard than any debit card on the market.
Use our app, or web app, to redeem your points for cash , or for curated products and experiences.
Visit the app to check out your Points balance. You can find them on the home screen or on your Card Tab.
Tap cash back, enter the total you are cashing out, hit continue. Your money hits your account balance instantly.
Head to the rewards tab and browse our selection of products and experiences, tap your preferred reward, then tap "redeem."
Explore our dynamic rewards shop, where exciting offerings await. Here are some popular rewards our members have redeemed. Visit our app to discover our current available treasures. Convert points into cash or redeem for thrilling and unique rewards & experiences.
Get rewarded for every mindful choice. See the impact and earnings of every transaction you make.