Turn everyday essentials into extraordinary savings! For a limited time, earn 5% cashback* on groceries when you pay with FutureCard. Apply now to start earning immediately.
Turn everyday purchases into high earning potential with unlimited cashback opportunities.
FutureCard members earn rewards on public transit, turning everyday commutes into valuable points.
Save 5% on every grocery run — your everyday essentials, now more affordable.
Earn 10% back when you pay for Community Solar with FutureCard. When you join a nearby solar farm, you'll receive credits on your regular utility bill keeping your provider while saving. No panels, no installation, just easy rewards.
Power up your commute with extra earnings on every ride, charge, and bike or scooter trip. Get rewarded for choosing planet-friendly ways to move around your city with FutureCard.
Save 10% on your energy bills when you link your current utility account to Arcadia and pay with FutureCard. There's no need to switch providers – just connect your existing account and start earning cashback automatically. It's a simple way to reduce your energy costs while keeping your current service.
Power up your EV with 10% cashback at charging stations nationwide! With FutureCard, you'll earn rewards at thousands of stations across the country – from superchargers to local chargers. Hit the road and watch your savings grow with every charge!
Score 5% cashback when you shop second-hand and thrift shops with FutureCard! From vintage finds to pre-loved treasures, you'll earn rewards on every sustainable purchase. Give new life to great pieces while putting money back in your pocket – it's shopping that's smart and stylish!
Discover the future of food – plant-based meals and restaurants earn you 5% cashback with FutureCard! From vibrant bowls to creative comfort foods, get rewarded for choosing earth-friendly dining. Every delicious plant-based meal puts more savings on your plate!Copy
Save 5% on all your public transit rides when you pay with FutureCard. From buses to trains, subways to ferries, you'll automatically earn cashback with every trip. It's an easy way to make your daily commute more rewarding – just tap and save.
Earn 10% cashback on bike and scooter shares nationwide with FutureCard! Whether you're cruising on a shared bike or zipping through the city on a scooter, you'll save on every ride. Just tap your card and watch the rewards roll in while you roll on.
Earn 1% cashback on all other purchases with FutureCard! Beyond the premium rewards you already get on sustainable spending – like EV charging, transit, and plant-based dining – you'll earn rewards everywhere else you shop. It's the smart way to earn while making a difference.
† From February 3 to June 30, earn 5% cashback, up to $20 in cashback earned per month, at grocery stores when you use your FutureCard to pay. To start earning the 5% cashback, the offer must first be activated by clicking the "Activate" button below. Cashback will only apply to purchases made after the offer has been activated. Members will earn 5% cashback until $20 in cashback is earned per month, after which Members earn 1% cashback on grocery store purchases, subject to Future's standard rewards terms. See future.green/legal/rewards to learn more. If you make a grocery store purchase that doesn't earn 5% cashback, the merchant may not have a merchant category code (MCC) in that category. Future does not set MCCs.