Get 10% Cashback on Energy Bills
Green Living
Get 10% CASHBACK* on your energy bills with Arcadia for a whole year when you pay with your FutureCard**!

You can now get 10% CASHBACK* on your energy bills with Arcadia for a whole year when you pay with your FutureCard**!  

What’s Arcadia? Arcadia provides the easiest and most rewarding way to switch to clean energy. Their community solar program makes the benefits of solar power accessible to anyone with a power bill (in participating states) regardless of whether they can install rooftop solar panels. 

Arcadia works with your existing energy company - there’s no installation, no switching utilities, and no additional cost to participate! All you have to do is create an Arcadia account and connect it with your utility provider.  

The best part? Solar is not only better for the planet, but cheaper than traditional power sources! Switching to solar with Arcadia is guaranteed to lower your energy bills by 5-10% each month.  

Sign up today to get an additional $25 towards your first bill with Arcadia. That’s on top of 10% cashback on your energy bills with your FutureCard, and the guaranteed 5-10% in savings Arcadia offers. That’s up to 20% savings on those rising energy bills! Learn more here. 

Good for your wallet, good for the planet. 

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