"The best thing we can do for the environment is to buy less. The next best thing is to spend our money on sustainable brands." – Jean-Louis Warnholz, FutureCard Founder
FutureCard is making waves on Fast Company, and we're thrilled to share our mission to transform "green spending" with you. Our innovative rewards card promotes eco-conscious choices such as public transport, embracing circular fashion, and opting for plant-based products. We have joined forces with over 50,000 eco-conscious U.S. merchants to make sustainable shopping accessible.
Distinguishing us from traditional credit cards, FutureCard operates as a rewards card directly linked to your bank account, offering zero interest and no late fees. While reducing consumption remains the most eco-friendly option, FutureCard encourages responsible spending.
Want to dive into the full story and learn how FutureCard is shaping a brighter, greener future? Check out the article on Fast Company.